Hot and Cold storage what and why with Google Cloud Storage
What are storage classes? And does Google Cloud Storage implement it?
A brief intro to storage classes
Data storage that is being used or often accessed is referred to as "hot storage." It is the opposite of cold storage, which describes the information that is kept for archival or backup purposes but is not actively used.
Hot storage is frequently used for data that must be immediately accessed, like the database files utilized by an application or the operating system files on a computer. As opposed to slower storage options like tape drives or standard hard drives, this type of storage is frequently found on speedier devices like solid-state drives (SSDs) or high-performance hard drives, which can access and recover data more quickly.
When data needs to be accessible fast, like in databases or in-memory caches, hot storage is frequently utilized. In applications like social media platforms or online stores where data must be updated often, it is also employed. In these situations, hot storage is employed to make sure that users have access to the most recent data.
Cold storage, on the other hand, is used to keep data that isn't being actively used and isn't anticipated to be accessed regularly. This form of storage is typically found on slower, less expensive storage devices like hard drives or tape drives and is frequently utilized for archiving or backup purposes. Old emails and documents that aren't being regularly used are frequently kept in cold storage because they don't need to be accessed right away.
How does it work on Google Cloud storage?
Here are the main storage classes offered by Google Cloud Storage:
Data that has to be retrieved regularly can be stored using Google Cloud Storage's standard storage class, which is the default storage type. It is appropriate for use cases like storing data used by programs or providing content for websites.
For data that needs to be retrieved on rare occasions, such as for backup or disaster recovery purposes, nearline storage is the best option. It is a practical choice for storing data that is not frequently accessed.
Coldline Storage - for archive purposes, this storage class is created for data that is infrequently accessed. For data that will only be read or modified once every three months or less, coldline storage is a good choice.
Archive Storage - this type of storage is used to keep data that is rarely accessed and that will likely be kept for a very long time. It is the most affordable, most reliable storage option for disaster recovery, online backup, and data archiving is archive storage. Your data is accessible in milliseconds, not hours or days - and that's the key information, when needed you can access your data in the same way, fast, using the same tool or code!